Magento 1 vs Magento 2: Why is Magento 2 Better for eCommerce

There has been a lot of debate going on regarding Magento 1 vs Magento 2 benefits. Most store owners are still reluctant to move to Magento 2 because their stores are working perfectly on Magento 1. They want to know how migrating to Magento 2 will improve their store performance and help them translate sales to profit.

In this article, we will discuss why Magento 2 is still a better option and why you should move to Magento 2 right now to benefit from profits in the long term.

Number one reason for switching from Magento 1 to Magento 2 is that Magento 2 is a lot faster, user friendly, and has a much smoother learning curve. When 2buy1click builds your Magento site we also include a page builder that makes working with the Magento eCommerce platform a lot easier even for beginners.

That being said, letโ€™s learn about Magento 2 in greater detail.

Magento Development: What is Magento 2

Magento 2 is the new tech stack that Magento is now working on. It wouldnโ€™t be wrong to call it a completely new eCommerce platform because of the many features available.

  • Magento 2 is based on PHP 7, the latest PHP release that improves performance by 3 seconds.
  • Magento 2 offers many optimizations and has support for HTML5 and it gives flexibility to developers to create design customizations in theme.
  • Magento 2 supports Zend framework 1 and 2, where Magento 1 only supported Zend framework 1. Zend Framework 2 adds a lot more improvements for developers.
  • The best part about Magento 2 is the Varnish site-level cache that significantly boosts your site speed.
  • Magento 2 now includes Nginx web cache and reverse proxy. It also comes with a load balancer to improve server performance and reduce delay.
  • Magento 2 includes Symfony PHP web application by default to manage content functionality, look, and feel of your store.
  • Magento 2 also has a Redis database cache by default to improve fetching speed from product databases.

How is Magento 2 Different from Magento 1 for Magento Development?

As we have already discussed, Magento 2 includes a lot more improvements that were not available in the previous versions. Learn how these improvements directly impact performance and help store owners do better site management.

Site Performance

Magento 1 takes a few seconds to load the store because it doesn’t offer a pre-installed server-level cache. When a user visited Magento 1 based eCommerce stores, the PHP worker requested the server. This to and fro delay between client and server delayed site performance.

With Magento 2 all this has changed. Magento 2 architecture uses Nginx, Varnish, and Redis to improve site performance. Moreover, it supports PWA that automatically increases store performance on mobiles and tablets. On average, Magento 2 is 50% faster and has a lower dropout rate on checkout.

Magento 2 Hosting

If you select a specialist host like DX3webs or Sonassi that are optimised for running Magento 2 at its best, your website performance will be taken to the next level.


Magento 1 wasn’t optimized for mobile out of the box. However, Magento 1 community created many workarounds that made it responsive. Still, there were significant problems that led to a bad visitor experience.

On the other hand, Magento 2 has a mobile-first approach. It incorporates PWAs from the start, and all themes are fully responsive. Another great thing done by Magento 2 is that they have removed the need to hire developers. With page builder functionality, store owners can now create pages of their design easily.

Magento1 vs Magento2

Source: Pexels

Magento1 vs Magento2

Source: Pexels

Ease of Use

All Magento 1 users know the challenge of using its admin panel. The Magento 1 admin panel was created in 2011 and it had not changed a tad bit.
This made the site management experience dull, boring, and hard.

With Magento 2, users get a user-friendly design with simple navigation that helps store owners easily locate functionalities and pages. Moreover, Magento 2 offers a complete analytical dashboard that shows the number of orders, sales, profits, directly on the dashboard.


Magento 1 has reached its End of Life and it is now vulnerable to security hacks. Maintaining an eCommerce store on Magento 1 is experience because of all the additional development costs involved.

On the other hand, Magento 2 is a lot more secure. It is constantly monitored by Magento 2 development team and it has an active development community that is creating third-party security scripts to keep Magento 2 secure.


Magento 1 doesnโ€™t get any support from the community or the official developers of Magento. This is one reason why it is so important to move from Magento 1 to Magento 2 today. Without active support, maintaining your eCommerce store will become difficult and hard to manage.

Magento 2 has an active development team working on it. Since Magento 2 also includes an enterprise version, so Adobe Magento has a lot more stake in it in comparison with Magento 1. If you move your store to Magento 2 enterprise community edition, you get hosting and support directly from Magento developers.

Magento 1 Sunset (EOL): Which Version is Better for Magento Development?

Magento 1 is no longer offered by Adobe Magento Inc as the official eCommerce platform. It reached its End of Life (EOL) in June 2020. If you are still hosting your eCommerce store on Magento 1, you should know that you won’t get security updates and patches, and you will not be able to avail support from the Magento community any longer.

In the next few years, payment gateways, extensions, and web tool integrations will also become incompatible with Magento 1. If you donโ€™t move your store to Magento 2 today, you can experience severe loss of data and customers in the long run.

Should You Move to Magento 2? Is it the right choice?

It definitely is!

If you are still using Magneto 1 for your eCommerce store, then you should reconsider your choice. Magento 2 is a lot faster, supportive, customizable, and cost-effective to manage your eCommerce store.

Which one is more suitable for Magneto Ecommerce Development?

Magento 1 and Magento 2 are not competitors. It is just like asking yourself should you buy iPhone 6 or iPhone 13?
The answer to that question is obvious. You should buy the latest version.

Similarly, Magento 1 is the older version of Magento 2. Since Magneto 2 offers a lot more features and functionality, it is the most suitable version you can get for Magento eCommerce development.

When is the Time to Migrate to Magento 2?

Now is the right time to migrate to Magento 2. However, before migrating your Magento 1 store to Magento 2, make sure to consult an expert Magento agency. They would take a close look at your store and identify issues that can develop after migrating to the new version. Since Magento 2 is a lot more customizable directly from the dashboard, you can do most of the suggested edits by yourself. If you need an expert Magento agency onboard, you can always get in touch with us to support you.

Not sure if it is the right time for Magento 2?

Arrange a call with Lyndon CEO at 2buy1click
to migrate your Magento 1 to Magento 2
quickly and effectively
